Actions - Get Started

Analysis Actions Applied to the Provided Data

Analysis Actions Applied to the Provided Data

Workflow actions, also referred to as user actions, are analysis components that are applied to the provided input in a workflow. For example:

  • An LLM action to summarize an input text

  • A PDF-to-Text action to extract the text from an uploaded PDF file

  • A JavaScript action to run a code snippet

AgenticFlow AI supports a variety of analysis actions with all the requirements taken care of. All you need to do is add the suitable action component to your workflow.

Creating a Workflow and Adding Actions

The easiest way to get started with creating a workflow is to start at the Workflows page. Once on the page, click on + Create Workflow at the top right of the page.

You will be presented with an empty state where you can:

  • Add knowledge

  • Add inputs

  • Add workflow actions

  • Access some video tutorials

In the next pages, we will learn about all the supported actions in AgenticFlow AI.


  • Each action has a set of inputs, with some visible under "Advanced options." These inputs are used to configure the action. You can either specify the value or switch to variable mode by pressing " " next to each input. This will set the value to the variable you reference.

  • Each action will have a set of outputs. These are the values that will be passed on to the next action. You can configure the outputs by pressing "Configure output" and selecting the variable names you want to keep.

  • Each action has a variable name, shown in green on the tool, which is used to reference the action and access the output in other actions. For example, you can use {{actions.action_name.output.variable_name}} to reference it. It can be changed just like the inputs.

  • The order of an action can be changed using the drag indicator or the up and down buttons. Actions can be run individually, which is helpful for testing, by pressing the play icon.

General Workflow Action Features

Running an Action

Click on the run/play button on the top right of the action to execute it. Results will be displayed under the tool.

Note that there are two options available:

  • Only run the action

  • Rerun from the top including the current action

Deleting an Action

Click on the three-dot menu located on the top right and select Delete from the menu. This will remove the action completely from your workflow.

If you have used the output of a deleted action in any other actions as a variable, don't forget to remove the variable reference or it will cause a runtime error.

Output Configuration

Click on the Output button on the top right of the action to see what outputs have already been configured.

  • Removal of an output can be done via the x on the bottom right of each output.

  • Modification of the output name can be done by changing the output variable name shown under the box on the left.

  • Adding a new output key can be done by clicking on the + Add new output key located under the last output key.

  • Access to variables is via {{Name-of-the-available-variable}}, for instance {{transformed}}.

More details are available at Output Configuration.

Setting Default Values

If you wish to set a default value for a component or change an existing default value:

  1. Enter the desired value.

  2. Click on the setting wheel icon located on the bottom right of the action.

  3. Click on Set Current Value.

Moving an Action in a Workflow

If you wish to relocate an action (i.e., moving it further to the top or bottom of your workflow), simply hover over to the right side of the tool and you will see the "Drag and Drop" icon appearing. Click and move the action to the desired location.

Duplicating an Existing Action

Click on the three-dot menu located on the top right and select Duplicate from the menu. This will create a copy of the existing action and add it to your workflow.

Running an Action if a Condition is Met

If you wish to run an action only when a condition is met, click on the three-dot menu located on the top right and select Add Conditions from the menu.

Conditions must follow JavaScript rules and be written in {{}}. For instance:

  • {{text==="XYZ"}} -> the variable called text is equal to XYZ

  • {{text!=="XYZ"}} -> the variable called text is not equal to XYZ

  • {{clean.transformed===""}} -> the output of a code action called clean is an empty string

More details are available at Conditions.

Running an Action Multiple Times in a Loop

If you wish to run an action multiple times, click on the three-dot menu located on the top right and select Enable Foreach from the menu.

Imagine there is a list of movie names and you wish to run a large language model on each item to generate a summary. After enabling Foreach, under "Run this transformation multiple times," provide the list of items on which the loop should work.

Next, use {{foreach.item}} to access each of the elements in your input list.

More details are available at Loops.

Last updated

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