Export Results
Access to and Export Results
After running any of the workflows, especially in Bulk run mode, you can see the results in the corresponding enrichment column of the data table.
You can export the results along with the original data as a CSV file.
Export to CSV
Exporting to CSV creates a copy of all the columns in your table and exports it as a CSV file. Follow these steps to export your data:
Select the dataset from the Data page.
Click on the Download as CSV button. The export type is set to "Standard" by default.
Clicking on Download will download a CSV file to your download folder.
Export Wide Format
What is Wide/Flatten Format
Wide format, or flatten format, converts categorical fields into numeric values. An example is shown in the table below where the Categories column contains three unique categorical values (App crashes, Upgrade, Expensive).
Side note: Text categorization will produce results similar to the first table below.
Below, we can see the wide format export for the table above. There are as many new columns as the unique categories, with zero/one values indicating if a category applies to the text response in the corresponding row.
Access to Wide Format Export
Select the dataset from the data table.
Click on the Download as CSV button.
Change the export type from "Standard" to Wide format.
Enter the categorical field name that you wish to flatten (e.g. Categories in the table above).
The categorical field name should be typed in EXACTLY as it appears in the data table.
Clicking on Download will download a CSV file to your download folder.
Last updated